Parapsychology and Digital Media (Super-natural Content Alert!)

Written by Octavia, 2021 Cohort

Driven by curiosity, humans will always be fascinated by things that remain unknown. But sometimes, the unknown can be something very superstitious and horrific. When I was little, I was terrified of supernatural movies and stories. I never thought that one day, it could be one of my favorite genres. Now I love the feeling of being excited by the emotion of fear. 

With the increasing development of digital media, nowadays parapsychology has more visible vectors.

Supernatural channel on YouTube

Buzzfeed unsolved network is one of my favorite channels on YouTube. The main hosts of this channel are Ryan and Shane. In the section on unsolved supernaturals, they will investigate some of the most hunted locations and tell the audience about the story behind the place. This makes their channel very unique and popular because they strictly follow two opposite character sets, which helps them easily create conflicting plots, debates and a powerful dynamic. 

The horror-story of using Randonautica

Randonautica was a very trendy app last year, this app requires users to think about a desired adventure then it will automatically provide a random coordinate for them to explore.

On June 22nd, 2020, a group of youth was given a location in the app. After arriving, they found a mystery suitcase there. At first, they were joking that it would have a lot of money in it. But when they got closer, an overwhelming stench made them cringe. Aware of the danger, they decided to call the police. Later on, the police came, and announced that there was a dead body in the suitcase. This is not so much a call to action, as it is a cautionary tale, take it from a digital media specialist wanna-be  – make sure you know where the freight will lead you.