Cannery Project – Reflections

Written by Ruby, 2021 Cohort

As a member of team Roots, I have undergone a creative and collaborative working experience throughout the Gulf of Georgia cannery project simulation. In this project, I was in charge of the technology used, as well as demonstrating our preparing process and making parts of the prototype. I’m glad that we could have the opportunity to participate in a practical project, that actually tries to solve the problem of a historical museum. 

In this semester, we are not the first time working as a group. However, the cannery project took longer than other projects. We have more time to complete the entire process for both design and business aspects. During the process, I have learned a lot from my teammates who were working on the business plan and marketing. After getting feedback, I found that we could improve our business plan by demonstrating the younger group of our demographic more clearly in our proposal and presentation. Nevertheless, the most valuable thing I acquired from the cannery project is that I’m able to form a basic understanding of what an MDM project would be like and prepare myself for it. 

Reflecting on Larry’s feedback 

After the final presentation, Larry provided us with some very insightful feedback, and I think it will be very helpful if I can take it into consideration in future projects. For example, he mentioned that we have to think about how to make users stick to our game – “make your game sticky” – after playing the first part, as well as give them good reasons to come back and re-play it. After the feedback session, I have noticed that I didn’t think deep enough for some of the real-world problems during the design process of the cannery project simulation. For instance, the stakeholder and investors are probably more interested in how they can make profits from our project, in a practical and detailed plan. The feedback he gave us definitely made me think more about the practicality of each process in the milestones.