What Pre-MDM Means to Me Now that I am Graduating

Written by Shawn 2022 Cohort

Six months had passed since I enrolled in the program and began my studies here. It marked my first experience of venturing abroad, immersing myself in an unfamiliar environment, and venturing into the digital media world with many companions who are also enthusiastic about this field.

We’ve participated in several projects led by our lovely Aida and Jason, which enhanced my group cooperation skills and trained me for the following year. It is the first time I have worked with so many designers to make prototypes and products. Everything was incredible when I saw the ideas come to life. I have accumulated many projects that can be put in my portfolio and resume and the experiences of how the projects will work with a group of people in MDM.

Pre-MDM not only means a program to get through language and communication skills for ESL students. Yes, I did level up my English a lot and gained experience from the projects we worked on, but these are the things that people are expected to get from the Pre-MDM. What I considered the most precious part was that I didn’t anticipate the friendship and connection with all the people in our class and the alumni here. We hung out together, went for groceries and hiking, worked out in the gym, had parties on New Year’s Eve, went to excellent restaurants, and even supported each other as friends through more challenging times. I haven’t experienced it before where I could genuinely be myself and be around many sisters and brothers who care about me and give me a hand when I need it.

These relationships will be lifelong. And the things I’ve learned here will benefit my future studies. And last but not least, Thank you for the lovely people I met here; I would more likely call you friends instead of classmates. Thanks to our TA and their hard work. Thanks, Jason, for his multimedia and Transmedia courses which made me grow a lot in Unity development. And incredibly grateful for the care from Aida when I was getting through Covid. I appreciate Aida, who was more like our caring mom who watched and helped us improve our team communication and stand more firmly on our own “cultural” feet in this new land. Thanks so much. What I’m going to say to answer the title is that the experience I had and the people I met are what it means to me.