How Digital Media Governs Society

Written by Caterina 2022 Cohort

The information technology contained in digital media has gradually merged into all aspects of people’s lives. We are slowly externalizing into our virtualized selves and starting to inhabit cyberspace. Virtual societies are composed of different digital individuals. At the same time, analyzing the data they generate can be used to process the logic of the development of our natural society. Here are a few ways we are digitally being governed:

  1. Digital media enhances scientific decision-making.

The planning capability of the government is the key to the development of society. The data we produce daily has become the “raw material” for social development. The traditional government planning model has failed to meet the needs of government planning in the new era, as well as the formation of a planning system based on data analysis and the gradual creation of government planning capabilities based on scientific research of opportunity data.

2. Digital media enhances public leadership.

With the increasing complexity of social affairs, a diverse governance system has been created with the assistance of the government and various social subjects. The establishment of a network society has led to an increasing call for different social issues to participate in social management, especially when the emergence of new media allows the public to break through the limitations of time and space to communicate with the government, providing a platform for cooperation between the government and the public, followed by the establishment of a cooperative governance model led by the government with the general participation of the people.

3. Digital media improves the laws and regulations of information security.

Digital media allows everyone’s behaviour to be recorded, and the direction of social and personal behaviour can be captured. To some extent, this has directly led to the massive reduction of personal space and the expansion of social public space, which significantly affects the privacy rights of individuals and causes the “invasion” of public space. Data information in the digital media era represents the state of each social individual, and the use of data information is the use of social individuals. Therefore, laws and regulations for the construction of data information security have become the legal protection of the safety of personal life.