Written by Hanyue 2022 Cohort
Excellent animation helps children establish a better gender perspective. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is an animated children’s television series. It has warm colours and lovely style and is loved by children and adults (such as me).
Breakthrough role building
In some traditional narratives, women often appear on the screen in an image that caters to male audiences, highlighting the so-called “feminine characteristics,” whether in appearance or personality. However, in MLP, several female characters have the characteristics of breaking through their gender stereotypes. For example, Rainbow Dash is a confident, sports-loving, and competitive female character. Applejack has the features of honesty, reliability, diligence and courage. However, MLP did not break through to break through. The shaping of several female characters, especially Fluttershy, also highlighted the characteristics of tenderness, kindness and strong empathy. For Rarity, her sensitivity to beauty and pursuit of fashion is impressive. This is very useful for children to distinguish gender and so-called gender temperament.
At the same time, female ponies are the absolute subject of the story and have their growth lines, which is very important. It represents that their characteristics and good personalities are more for their personal development and good relationship with women. In real life, girls are often imperceptibly expected to have altruistic and male-friendly traits, such as modesty, empathy and dedication. As a result, some girls are more inclined to cater to others and pay less attention to their own needs than boys of the same age. They avoid conflict and competition. In the long run, this is not conducive to getting a personal foothold in society. I have to say that MLP has provided some excellent examples for girls in this regard and provided boys with a good understanding of women.
Female friendship
It is a central theme of the series. MLP fantastically expresses the power of friendship. In the series, each pony has a representative character: magic, loyalty, honesty, kindness, laughter and generosity. When they become friends, these independent elements become the Elements of Harmony, absolutely powerful magic. This is the embodiment of their friendship and their respective good qualities. Even in female group dramas, female friendship is rarely the core theme, and female friendship is also stigmatized. The MLP depicts the true friendship between women and makes it look glorious and powerful, which is an excellent example for children.
As a fan who likes MLP and a woman, I wholeheartedly recommend this animation.