Written by Nima Najariandariani,2021 Cohort
How deeply can search engines affect how people think? What about the attitudes or purchases you make? It’s not a very superstitious thing to say right now search engines have become some kind of mind-controlling machines. There are some tech experts who recommend you should never use the google search engine. They even go further and say it’s a surveillance and manipulation platform. … Continue readingUNFAIR CENSORSHIP VS MAINTAINING SOCIAL COHESION

Filter bubbles in programmatic advertising: homogeneity of feed ads leading to a bad outcome

Written by Dong, 2021 Cohort
As we all know, programmatic advertising based on algorithm technologies can match the perfect man whose interests, cognition, and identity are consistent with the products or services that advertisers want to sell, so as to realize the maximum consumption targeted by advertising, which is a normal thing in the digital era. … Continue readingFilter bubbles in programmatic advertising: homogeneity of feed ads leading to a bad outcome